

Hell Really Is Real

I saw it! I saw the sign I blogged about a few months back. Hell really is Real! I have to admit it was nice to see the billboard again. I chuckle every time I see it. It's such a simple statement, but it can mean so many different things depending on who you are.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day for me at work. I'm playing staff photographer for the day as we are having an important visitor to the office and they wanted to bring in a photographer to chronicle the occasion. After further discussion, it was suggested I take the pictures since I have a DSLR and a love of photography. I submitted samples of my work and got the job! I'm really excited. From what I'm told these pictures could potentially end up in trade publication and will most likely be used by our Marketing department.

On another photography note, I did something out of character today with my project 365. Instead of taking a picture of something of interest that I encounter as I go about my day, I decided to post a pic I took of myself earlier today.

The "Fanny" socks are starting to become a pain in my fanny. The pattern is written in an odd way and has techniques I'm not familiar with. Thankfully, BookGirl has helped me out with a few of these techniques.

Instead of knitting a long heel flap and then picking up stitches, the "Fanny" pattern has you do a short row heel flap and then Wrap Stitch Loop heel/gusset. All I kept saying when I was working on the heel was "I'm just following the pattern." It appears I'm 7 stitches short from working the full heel and gusset so I'm going to just pick up the remaining stitches. You know, a little workaround to get to where I need to be next. Now, I just have to make sure I write down what I did so when I get to this point on the second sock I will remember to do the same thing. : P

Overall, I'm happy with the socks I'm making. The yarn is definitely pooling, but in a cool way. Since pooling is dependent where in the color repetition you start I am not expecting the pooling on the second sock to be the same. However, I am hopeful. And, if they don't match . . . then they truly will be "circus" like. Which reminds me, I now refer to the sock as my Britney Spears socks. I couldn't get the whole "circus" connection out of my mind.

Until later. . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

very cool about the photography gig!

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