

Love-to-Hate; Hate-to-Love

There are things people just love-to-hate. There are other things that people hate-to-love. But, for me, it's when I feel both ways about something (or someone) that I really get conflicted. Especially when it comes to a love-hate; hate-love feeling about a person. Ugh! That's the worst. Yeah, nothing like loving the person you also momentarily hate the most as well. I unfortunately know this feeling all too well. If you can avoid putting yourself in this position I highly recommend it.

However, my latest love-to-hate; hate-to-love affair is not about a person (thank goodness!). It's Facebook that is getting to me now. If there was ever a web site that sucks up massive amounts of my time it's this one.

Over the past 8 months or so I haven't really touched Facebook that much. I'd maybe log on here or there with a "status" update thrown in every once in a while, but nowhere close to how it use to be. I use to live and die by this site. To not be able to update my status whenever I felt the need was a horrible thought. Again, that changed by the beginning of the summer.

I can't remember exactly what threw me back into this site these days, but I'm back. I've even updated my status - once or twice. Thankfully, not like I use too. I have, however, actually used the site in the past couple of weeks to reconnect with old friends from high school and jr. high school. Yes, that far back. It's been interesting to see what people have been up to all these years. Some of these new connection have resulted in renewed friends. Others have been the basic "what's been new with you" communications and that is all. However, all this "reconnecting" makes me wonder who else will be coming out of the woodwork next.

Until I find out I guess I'll just have to Superpoke a few of my friends or play a game, or two, of Vampire Fighting (or whatever the hell it's called). Regardless, I'm back on Facebook and my love-hate; hate-love affair with the site is alive and thriving.

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