


There is this "25 Things" thing going around Facebook. You know, where you list 25 things about yourself on the "notes" section of your profile. Well, instead of being tagged for 25 things I was tagged by BFF for "16 Things." Ok, seems easy enough. However, instead of putting together a list of 16 things, or 25 for that matter, I decided to up the anty and go for "33 Things." Furthermore, it seemed only fitting to post it on this medium instead of Facebook only.

So here goes nothings. . .

1. I'm very private. Oddly enough, I do periodically talk about private things on this blog so you would never guess that I'm a private person. However, I'm so private it once took me over a month to tell someone - who is now a good friend of mine - my last name, where exactly I lived and close to two months to share where I worked. (This is an extreme example) I also carry on this privacy when I write about my friends and family. That's why everyone has nicknames.

2. I wear my heart on my shelve. Because of this fact most of the time it's not hard to figure out how I'm feeling.

3. My family and friends are very important to me.

4. Sarcasm is just one of the services I offer. Seriously, my sense of humor is very sarcastic and I warn others of this when I am first getting to know them so they don't take some of the things I say too seriously. With that said. . .

5. When I'm serious about something, you'll know it. I may know how to laugh and crack a joke, but when it's time to be serious I will be serious and will make sure others realize I'm not joking around.

6. Minimal Regrets. If any at all. I try not to regret any of the decisions I've made. A lot of my friends find this hard to believe considering some of the things that have transpired in my life.

7. I've faced death three times over the course of my life. The first two times the events occurred so quickly I didn't realize until after the fact that I could have died. The third time I actually had a few moments to process what was happening and had time to think to myself, "Oh my g-d, this is how I'm going to die!?" The last time actually helped me put a lot of things into perspective.

8. I've faced more of my fears head-on in the past year than I have over the course of my lifetime. At this point I believe there to be only a few real fears to tackle - Anyone want to join me on the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier!?

9. I'm a shy person stuck in the body of an outgoing individual.

10. Summer is my season.

11. Purple is my favorite color.

12. My friends call me the "Fort Knox of Secrets."

13. I can say "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" backwards. Yes, working at the Disney Store during college taught me important life skills.

14. The longest I've gone without cable or any type of tv reception is six months. I've done this twice now.

15. I'm the youngest of all my siblings.

16. I'm the only girl of all my siblings.

17. As a child I aspired to be a Radio DJ. My best friend and I use to put on mock radio shows and record them. I actually still have one of the tapes we made.

18. I love to dance!

19. I'm a talkative person. I actually have a t-shirt that says, "Little Miss Chatterbox" on it and all that know me in real life agree that is the perfect shirt for me.

20. I've always seen life through a camera lens. For as long as I can remember, as I went about my day-to-day activities I would see things and think, "Wow! That would make a great picture." Now I have the tools to capture those sites.

21. I have too many passwords and can't keep all of them straight. Once I put together a cheat sheet for all my passwords and password protected it. I forgot the password for the cheat sheet.

22. Though jeans and t-shirts are my preferred clothing items, I secretly love to get all "girled" up. I guess that's not a secret anymore. . .

23. I'm a documentary junkie. I'll even admit I like Michael Moore documentaries - the man makes some good points once you look past his bias bs.

24. Chocolate is my vice.

25. "It Is What It Is." Oh my goodness does that saying annoy the hell out of me, but it's so true and fitting in so many situations. I'm famous for using that saying - a lot.

26. Never and Always. I try not to use the words "never" or "always." I find that things I said I'd "never" do or consider usually don't hold true and "always" isn't necessarily the way it is either. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I try not to use words that apply absolutes.

27. Frogs. Need I say more!?

28. I heart PB&J sandwiches. Grape jelly of course! Oh, and I do like the crusts left on even though I don't eat them most of the time. I just like having the option.

29. I can eat breakfast foods any time of the day.

30. I just learned today there is a town in IL called Sandwich. Seriously! Sandwich, IL

31. I'm a lefty. Or "southpaw." Whatever you want to call it.

32. I'm a wanttabe techy geek.

33. I'm a car enthusiast. . . . And motorcycles too! I have a whole list of cars I'm considering for my next ride. I have also considered just fixing up my present car real good and then getting a fun ride just for kicks.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

it's interesting that the numbers add up to your age. what are the odds? :)
i enjoyed reading this list and even learned some new things about you. :)

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