

Winter Doldrums

After a decent break from the wintry weather, we've gone back to snow and cold over the past couple of days. All this just in time for another swap.

With Purim just around the corner, my Jewish Fiberholics group decided to have a swap. Appropriately, it is being call the "Winter Doldrums Swap" because as many us know the overcast skies and cold temps can make you feel just plain BLAH. So, what better way to lift a knitters spirits and get them through the final stretch of winter than sending them yarn and a few other goodies.

Spoliee's have been assigned and sent to everyone participating in the swap. Now it's time to look at the info they gave to the coordinator of the swap to find out what their likes, dislikes and overall personality is. One little problem! As far as information on this person, all I have is a few basics to go on. They didn't provide a lot of detail. However I will, as I always do, figure something out.

I'm not only looking forward to this swap because it's a swap. Another reason I'm looking forward to this swap has to do with the fact that we get to incorporate Purim into the swap. As a child I loved Purim! Who wouldn't!? You get to dress up, play games and eat yummy food (gotta love those Hamentashen - especially the ones with chocolate). Also, the Megillah is a classic tale of good vs. evil - and of course good prevails! The only part of Purim I didn't like were the gregors you shook/twriled when Haman's name was mentioned. Yes, he's the villain.

In all, it should be a fun swap. Until later . . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

sounds somewhat like shaloch manot. fun!

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