

Oscars Lack Luster

Like millions I watched the Oscars last night and I have to say they were at best lack luster. It kind of felt like they were trying TOO hard to be funny and outrageous. I guess it was just that some of the segments of the show just seemed, nicely put, out-of-place. So much so that I found myself getting into an in-depth discussion on whose town had the better Chinese place rather than actually watching the show. Yes, some of the productions were just THAT entertaining.

That discussion aside, I was amazed that 'Slumdog Millionaire' took home so many award. I'm sure this film will be getting a lot of play over the coming months. I was not surprised that Heath Ledger won Best Supporting Actor. I've been a fan of Heath's for many years and his portrayal of The Joker in 'Dark Knight' was OUTSTANDING. So much so, I'm hopeful they will never revive the role in future Batman movies.

When it came to Best Actress and Actor I had mixed feelings. For Best Actress, I was torn between Meryl Streep and Ann Hathaway. Ms. Streep because I think she is a phenomenal actress. The same goes for Ms. Hathaway. I have been a fan of Ann's for as long as I can remember so I was thrilled to see her nominated and a bit disappointed that she didn't win. It's funny how Kate Winslet can win Best Actress for a movie that is being called the movie that no one went to see.

I've heard good things about 'Milk,' and can't wait to see it. I've actually been wanting to see it since I saw a preview for it in the theater. However, I don't know how I feel about Sean Penn winning Beat Actor.

On that note, until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Buffalo Grove has the best Chinese place...Yen Yen! :)
I agree about the Oscars for the most part.
I've only seen Heath Ledger in a few movies. He definitely caught my eye with his breakout role in "10 Things..."

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