

House Mouse

I have a friend who is a "house mouse." (Their words not mine.) When they say they are a "house mouse" they mean that they'll find something that needs to be cleaned and clean it. It's almost like they thrive on cleaning.

For example, House Mouse was telling me a story how during a conversation they were having with their boss they proceeded to pick up all the random paper clips and such that had fallen on the floor and organize the them on the boss' desk.

One time House Mouse was over at my place and we were in my kitchen as I was in the process of grabbing a snack when they came over. In the blink of an eye House Mouse was washing my dishes. I'm not kidding. . . I must have turned away from them no more than a few seconds. I insisted they stop, but HM insisted on finishing. Not only did HM finish, they also straightened up my counters.

Recently, I decided it was time to decrapify my living space. When I moved last August I took a lot of stuff with me. I figured hauling the stuff across town wasn't a problem since I would just figure it out once I got to the new place. As we all know, that's not how it ends up working out.

With a new year came the drive to purge all unnecessary things from my living space. However, as I attempted to make my way through all this stuff it became apparent I needed someone, like House Mouse, to help me. I needed someone to help me organize and regroup my living space.

Thankfully, House Mouse was more than happy to help me decrapify. Honestly, I think they were jumping up and down inside when I asked.
They didn't verbally say that, but I could tell they were happy to hear I on the path to decrapification. Now all we have to do is set aside a time for us to go through everything and start purging.

In return for their fine services, I plan to feed House Mouse a nice home cooked meal. And I'm sure we'll both need a lot of R & R as well!

I'm hoping this decrapification session takes place soon. I've never been so psyched to clean so I can't let the momentum die.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I need a house mouse!

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