

It's Under My Pillow

The largest amount of money I every received at one time came to me in the form of a cashier's check. It freaked me out so much to have that check in my possession I put it under my pillow that night I was able to go to the bank the next day. So, you can only imagine my reaction when Susanna told me she was giving me $250,000. . . How do I low jack my pillow?

Ok, seriously, Susanna didn't give me $250,000. She did, however, ask our blogging group to write about what we would do if she were to give us that much money.

Before I get into the details of what I would do with this much money I'd like to mention I've spent WAY too much time trying to figure this out. My first response was to divide up in a very practical manner - as if I really did have this type of money handed to me. Then I started to think of more epic ways in which to use this money.

After all this thought this is what I came up with . . .

Practical Me:

Charitable Contributions

I believe in giving back. I couldn't imagine not donating some of this money to charity.

Financial Responsibilities

There are a few bills I'd pay off. Never hurts to get those out of the way if you can.

Have Some Fun!

Don't think I wouldn't have some fun with this little windfall. I believe this fun would come in the form of a trip overseas. Specifically France and Italy for sure; possibly Australia and/or Spain. Oh, I'd need new clothes for this trip as well!

Investments and Retirement

I would never forget putting away for retirement. Especially if we're talking about the practical me.

Four Wheels

I'd buy a new car. Not an expensive, fancy car. A nicer car than I have now.


The next academic endeavor I wish to pursue is actually a bit on the pricey side. After all the above was done, I would have a nice chunk of this money left to cover the bill for the degree I wish to pursue. It would be nice to leave the program with little, or no debt at all.

(Let me just say I actually did sit with a calculator to make sure all above was reasonable for my given gift.)

The Less Practical Me:

Plan C - Super-sized!

The less practical side of me would pack up all my stuff and put it in storage for a year because I would out exploring the world.

Yarn Shop?

Another approach I would take the less practical side would take is to use the money to open my own business. Maybe it would be a yarn shop, but possibly something else. (Haven't really hammered out the details of this one. I do know it is something I've always been interested in doing.)

Since I can't seem to settle on what I'm going to do with my $250,000 at this very moment it looks like I'm turning on the low jack and the money is going under my pillow . . .

To read what my fellow bloggers would do with their new found fortune click on the links below:

MerrylandGirl (Melissa)
Mom of Many (Susanna)
momarock (Sara)

Until later . . .

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