

Story Time

Just a bunch of stories (things) that have been on my mind lately . . .


When I was third grade I started playing the violin. I enjoyed it a lot. Actually, I enjoyed it so much I took private lessons during the summer between third and fourth grades.

However, this love was short-lived. During the first half of fourth grade playing the violin got harder. I was part of the orchestra. Keeping up with everyone was difficult for me. Instead of putting in the practice I needed to get better I quit. I quit because I convinced myself that I wouldn't improve with practice. Before I made my decision final, someone in the music program sat down to talk to me about my reasons for quitting. I don't remember all of the conversation, but I do recall them saying I would probably find myself sitting in one of our school orchestra concerts someday wondering what could have been if I had just stuck it out. I don't believe I ever did ever feel that way . . . at least not at that point in my life.

During Summer 2010, I saw an individual outside the Chicago Art Institute playing the violin. It was lovely. I was mesmerized by the sound of the music. As I stood and watched him play I began to wonder what could have been had I practiced more. Would playing the violin be just one of my many hobbies as an adult? Would I be a musician instead of a member of the business world?

I don't think about my former days as a violinist often. Aside from this past summer, today was the first time I had thought about it in years. No, I'm not interested in playing the violin again. I am, however, interested in other pursuits that are causing me some challenges. This morning, I was considering backing away from following a path I'm pursing because things are getting tough. It's really tempting to do this - just walk away, that is. However, I can't seem to walk away. I guess I figure if I walk away I'll always wonder what could have been. At least this way I will know for sure.

Getting To Know You

There was this guy I dated. I was really in to him. Dare I admit I even used the "L" word in relation to him?

In the midst of our "should we break up" discussions he shared with me all this personal information about his past and what has made him who he is today and drives him in his current pursuits. We ended up breaking up. Post break up, as I thought about the information he had shared with me I found myself wondering why he hadn't shared this with me earlier. I wasn't upset with him about this, just confused why he hadn't shared it with me before. This information only made him more endearing and made me appreciate him as a person even more.

I have a friend that recently confided in me about some truly personal struggles they are currently having. The conversation started with the disclaimer, "you can't tell anyone this." (Have I mentioned I was once told I was the Ft. Knox of secrets?) I appreciate their honesty and candor. It made them more endearing.

The other day someone I've know for many years just spilled their guts to me about all their concerns, frustrations and insecurities. This was the first time they ever did this. Now, you have to understand this is someone I've come to know as a pillar of strength. On the list of people I feel "have their act together" they are close to the top. I was shocked to see them so vulnerable; however, something about the experience was refreshing.

I can't fully explain why I find endearment in others adversity. I don't wish bad things on anyone. (Even people you'd think I would.) Maybe having been through adverse experiences myself I realize such knowledge gives you a better picture of who that person really is and what makes them them. Whatever the reason, I just know I find it endearing.

The Cabin Report

Recently, I indulged in some Garrett's caramel and cheese popcorn. As I munched away, I couldn't help but thing of the summer BFF and I went to overnight camp together. It was a theater camp located in Elkhart Lake, WI.

It was your average weekday. BFF and I had a break between activities so we made our way to our cabin to hangout before we had to be at our next activity. When we got to the cabin, one of our cabin-mates was there checking out our cabin report card for that day. It wasn't pretty. Apparently, despite the group's greatest efforts to clean and straighten the place we still didn't get good scores. This wasn't good news. One of our counselors was not pleased with our cabin report card scores and told us if we didn't improve ... well, I can't exactly remember what would happen if things didn't improve, I just know it wouldn't be good.

Anyhow, we were all concerned by this report card so we did what any normal 12-year-olds would do.... we ripped it up and flushed it down the toilet. Afterwords, grabbed the tub of multi-flavored (traditional butter, caramel and cheese) popcorn BFF's parent had sent her and talked about what we had just done. Next thing we knew heard our counselor walking into our section of the cabin. She looked at all of us and asked if we had seen the report card. I'm not sure how we did it, but all three of us managed to keep straight faces and convince her we hadn't a clue what happened to it. After she was out of sight and earshot we had a bit of a freak out. We were all so nervous about what had just happened. Every time I have caramel and/or cheese popcorn I think of that afternoon.

The story makes me smile.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

thanks for posting the popcorn story. i like your other stories too.

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