

My Knitting Time #2KCBWDay7 #2KCBW

Today's Topic: Write about your typical crafting time. When it is that you are likely to craft – alone or in more social environments, when watching TV or whilst taking bus journeys. What items do you like to surround yourself with whilst you twirl your hook like a majorette’s baton or work those needles like a skilled set of samurai swords. Do you always have snacks to hand, or are you a strictly ‘no crumbs near my yarn!’ kind of knitter.

At the very least, I always know I will knit once a week at knit group. This is a standing date on my weekly calendar. There are very few times I will not go to knit good. There has to be a really good reason for me not to go.

Other than knit group, I spend some time during the week knitting on my own. When I'm at home and knitting I'm usually watching TV or a movie. Usually I park myself on my comfy sofa. The amount of time I knit at home varies based up what is going on during any given week or the urgency that I need to get something done. I use to carry a knitting project in the car so I'd have something to do if I every got stuck in traffic. This especially applied when we had the uber awful construction season last Spring/Summer. (Yes, it was dangerous, and I don't necessarily condone this behavior, but it kept me sane while sitting in gridlock traffic.) I gave this up in late June when I wasn't driving as much. There have been times since then I wished I hadn't. I'm thinking I might need to have a car specific project in the car at all times. Something I'm not in an uber rush to finish.

Aside from home, the coffee house and book stores various knitting groups I've attended meet at, other places I've knit include: parks, bars, sporting events, the doctor office, the train and work.

Until later . . .

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