

Rainy Day Rambles

• If you haven't heard, or experienced it yourself, we're getting a lot of rain these days. As much as it is not my favorite weather condition, I don't find myself really complaining about it. This might have something to do with the fact that when I lived in Oregon this was an everyday occurrence for me from about September to May. Whatever it is, I am sorta over the rain and am looking forward to the sunshine and warmer temps.

• I had what I thought was going to be an uncomfortable conversation this evening. It turned out not being so horrible. I think part of my dread had to do with thinkig about what I had to pan-out. Once I actually did what I had to do it wasn't so bad. It makes me hopeful that the next conversation that I am dreading will turn out to be the same way.

• "This is my one and only life, And its a great and terrible and short and endless thing, and none of us come out of it alive." ~ P.S. I Love You

• This weekend I posted on facebook that I was giving away yarn and needles. This caused several responses. One of which was the question as to whether or not I was moving. I thought it was interesting such a thing could lead people to this conclusion. I guess that is the only reason people think I would give away yarn and needles. The truth of the matter is that my initial reason for cleaning out my yarn stash had more to do with the fact that I was tired of looking at all fashion yarn and knitting accessories I wasn't going to ever touch. Once I came to this realization there was no reason to keep it anymore. It seems more like clutter to me than anything else.

All this said, I am in fact seriously contemplating a move in the near future. It's been in the back of my mind for at least 9 months now; however, now is the time I need to officially act. Or at least in the next couple of months.

• On the coattails of all this move talk, I got to thinking about when I first moved to where I am now. I choose this neighborhood because it was comfortable, safe and an easy location to relocate too. These were all things I needed at the time. However, I didn't feel at home right away. I didn't have any family nearby which made it lonely. That changed in early- to - mid- 2009 thanks to my knitting group. When I decided to re-up in 2009 I did so because I wasn't sure where else I would move and in 2010, so many things where in flux that I just didn't want to deal with a move. Both very passive choices. Now, though things are still in flux I feel like I'm ready to deal more with the "if not here, then where" question. I kind of feel it's time to make a move (if that makes any sense).

Even though it would be a local move, the thought of moving is bittersweet. Though not blood, I have family, and a good life, here. To pick up and start over, at least in a new neighborhood, makes me a bit sad and nervous. However, it also excites me.

• Recently when I was on the train I saw this dude sporting a fly Fendora. Actually, his whole overall look was pretty rad. It had a modern Rat Pack feel to it. Or maybe this is what the "hispter" look is about? Nah, I doubt it. Nonetheless, I liked it. I didn't tell him this, but the Conductor apparantly liked his hat as well and told him so.

The other type of hat I'm diggin' on guys these days are caps. Not baseball caps, but tweed caps. I'm glad to see they're back in style. Or, maybe they never went out of style and I'm just now more acutely aware of this fashion trend.

I realize mentioning all this makes me more of an uber geek than I already am, but I'm cool with that.

• Last week I won a copy of an audiobook - "Sweet Valley Confidential" by Francine Pascal. If you're a female who was a pre-teen/teenager in the 80's you know what I'm talking about. I was a dedicated fan of this series. (Kind of how I'm a dedicated Emily Giffin fan.) I was thrilled to hear this book was being released.

I'm looking forward to receiving my audiobook. I wish I had my old SVH books. I'd happily reread them just to get back into the who Jessica v. Elizabeth mindset prior to jumping into SVC. Maybe, if I'm feeling so inclined, I will write a review of it like I did "Heart of the Matter."

• I'm amazed how much of an impact and impression one person can make.

• I've decide to participate in that 30 Days of Songs thing that is going around facebook. Except I'm also going to post my selections here as well so the whole world can - for better or worse - get a sense of my music tastes.

• As the waiting continues my tendency to set "realistic" expectations sets in more and more. Thankfully, there is a part of me that remains optimistic. Lots of things that happened in late March/early April shocked me and made me realize maybe the impossible is in fact possible.

• I've determined I need to rename this blog. I just need to determine what that will be. I really want to register the domain "," but that is on backorder which means I could pay for a chance to win it once it is available which I gather might not be anytime soon. "" is available for the super low price of $2,788 according to GoDaddy.

Yeah... I think I'll hold off on that one. Time to get the creative juices going and figure out an appropriate url.

Until later . . .

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