

Thought Provoking?

• Apparently the watched pot is really a watched phone. Is this thing working???

• I really hadn't realized it meant "shall not" until she pointed it out to me. As Alanis Morissette sang, "Isn't it ironic, don't you think?!" At the very least it has me thinking about how much I'm willing to compromise. I feel that, unless I'm willing to give up all my beliefs this won't go very far.

• The wedding was a reunion of sorts. It was nice to see everyone again. I can't believe it's been almost ten years. It seems just like yesterday.

• It was a blip... Just a blip. Phew!

• I like how Yelper phrased it . . . "It makes you more charming" - A state of calm that is. I like the state of calm. I'm getting more comfortable here and I'm not afraid all the time that the other shoe is going to drop. The interesting part is that not everything is back in place like you would think it would be for one in a state of calm.

• A stranger's advice: "Always have a dream." "Be good to yourself." "Take care of yourself."

• She gave me a small bottle of wine to celebrate her retirement.

• "Tell the world I'm coming home. Let the rain, wash away, all the pain of yesterday." ~ Diddy & Dirty Money Ft. Skylar Grey

• The most asked questions last week: Do you realize when you sneeze you sneeze three times in row? Don't I know you from somewhere? Something is different with your hair, what is it? Answers: Yes. Possibly, but not that I can recall. I cut it; and it's straight, not curly.

• Train-nick - Two friends, one train and gourmet, food court cuisine . . . what more can you ask for? So looking forward to it!

• About ten years ago someone told me if I get a fortune that it uber awesome to put the date on the back of it so when it comes true you can refer back to when you got it. All these years later, I still do this. I'm holding on to three at the moment. I don't know that I fully believe these fortunes will come true, but it's fun anyhow.

• My Magic 8 Ball predicted the gender of her baby correctly, now she believes any answer it gives me.

• Getting ready for round two is harder than getting ready for the first round was.

• Now that it's fixed, I have fallen in love again with driving my car.

Until later . . .

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