

Alternate Uses

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for October 27, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 225

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 511

I'd have to say, I made respectable progress on blankie this week. I also FINALLY sent off the minis I promised awkwardgirl so she could start hers (one less thing on the to do list).

Over the past months, as people have admired blankie, and as it has changed shape, they have given me ideas for alternate uses. It wasn't until this weekend that I decided to compile theses ideas, along with my own, into a list. Below is the beginning is what I have so far:

• Coaster

• Placemat

• Ottoman Cover

• Head Cover

• Laptop Cover

• Shawl/Prayer Shawl

• Table Cloth

• Area Rug

• Tube Top

• Strapless Dress

• Wall Tapestry

• Snuggie

I'll be interested to see what other ideas are suggested/I come up with as time goes on because some of the ones I've received thus far have been truly interesting.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Wren said...

Tea cozy? What about a table runner? Decorative guest towels? I think it'd make a pretty rad messenger bag. I'll bet it'd be really good to make one of those small project bags as well (okay, so I admit that I'm sort of a purse whore. =P) Leg warmers! Hand warmers! Window shades and/or a window valance. The square shapes also look a little like these pair of slippers from Interweave knits - sock blankie slippers! BRILLIANT ^_~

Also? I'm ridiculously excited for the Fated Sock Yarn Package. Even though I've only just barely managed to re-cast on my main holiday presents, I'm drooling over stuff to make FOR ME! *selfish!knitting*

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