


Hell froze over!

I pulled myself away from the blankie long enough to complete two other projects. Well, one is an FO, the other is just a F, but it will be a FO very soon!

The Replacement Hat:

It's getting colder out so it was time to make a new Brangelina Hat since I somehow managed to lose the one I made last year. I'm thinking of making a matching scarf since Thick N' Quick is so warm. Stay tuned!

It Won't Be Orphaned For Long:

This is the first pair of socks I've made since I made the Sweet Sixteen sock in July. Actually, I can't remember the last time I made a pair of socks for me. Anyhow, this is what Dead Blue looks like in my favorite bootie sock pattern - Thatched.

I will point out that I hacked the pattern a bit. As I've learned in the past, if you're going to hack a pattern it's best to write down what you did the first time so you can repeat it. I sorta did this so it will be interesting making the second one.

Speaking of the next one . . .Right now, this bootie sock is an orphan, but not for long! The second one has been cast on and will be finished in no time now that I know how warm and comfy they are - yes, this mean I am now wearing just one sock to encourage the completion of the second. Yes, it's a geeky thing to do, but it motivates me to finish the pair and that is all that is important.

Until later . . .

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