

Day Three - Round Two

Because I can, there is a second round of thoughts for today . . .

• "That 70's Show" yarn - LOVE IT!

• Maybe I was the right person for the task at hand.

• The universe was in all our houses - just to varying degrees.

• It's about damn time I took care of it!

• Let's just skip over Winter this year and go straight to Spring. : )

• Amazing how one person can make me realize so much in such a short period of time.

• What are we? 5-years-old or something?

• How many times can one listen to the same song in a row without getting sick of it?

• Ology

• Not only did I get him to say it, I also got a free Starbucks drink in the process.

• It truly was Murphy's Law - DRT style.

• A truancy story at our age intrigues me.

• Mush?

• Yes, it's a nice thing to do. Yes, I'm lucky in that regard. However, it's kind of the anti-motivator.

Until later . . .

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