

Day Seven

Despite getting to sleep late, I got an early start today. Here are some of my thoughts and observations so far:

• Last weekend, one of my neighbors apparently felt it's ok to take my newspaper out of its plastic wrapping and read it since I hadn't gotten it first thing in the day. So, the first thing I had to do this morning was make sure I got it while it was all in one piece.

• I'm still trying to figure out why there would be a Police Officer at the library. It's the last place to strike me as having a problem with crime.

• I hope the man working at the library wasn't upset by the fact that they are open tomorrow. I just wanted to make sure - you never know which municipalities observe Columbus Day.

• It's cold - and I'm not thrilled with that fact. However, this weather does lend itself to some activities I'd love to do and can only be done during the fall.

• The plants still seem to be alive. I've had them over a week and I feel some sort of accomplishment. However, I'm starting to think I may need to move them into a larger pot so their roots can grow.

• I lost months and months and months of pictures when one of my memory cards decided it needed to be reformatted. I was sad, but surprisingly I'm not as upset as I thought I should be. It's very strange.

• A few weeks ago I got a manicure. The other day I noticed my nails are getting longer. Apparently this is what happens when I don't bite or pick at them. If there was anytime I would do that I figured it would be now. Now the pressure is on to keep them nice and strong.

• I need milk. Not a gallon, that's too much, but I can get a gallon cheaper at Aldi than I can get a half gallon at Jewel. Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this?

• I hate making deposits via ATMs because of this bad experience I had a long time ago doing so. Yes, it was a one time thing, but nonetheless, it stuck with me (like all bad experiences do). However, apparently now some ATMs are no muss, no fuss when it comes to making deposits and all you have to do is insert your check like you do a dollar bill in a concession machine. It reads the check for you and totals your deposits. As much as I don't like to go to the bank because of live check it's nice to know that things are being made easier these days.

• A friend of mine just opened a business and I suggested she see about hosting a Yelp party as part of their promotional activities. She said they were talking about doing so the other day. Seems great minds think alike!

The day is still young so I'm sure there is more to come.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

milk is really cheap at costco.

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