

Line In The Sand

When some major change in my life happens I always start counting the days from when the change occurred. That was then; this is now. The line has drawn in the sand. Slowly, but surely the number of days starts to grow and counting doesn't make sense anymore because days have turned into weeks, months . . . ok, you get the picture.

So here I am, the line has been drawn - again. It's like someone put a note in my life file that says, "Froggie thrives on change so pour it on as thick and often as possible."

Don't get me wrong, I get that life is about change, but there is such a thing as too much change. Especially when you don't know where that change will take you. Yep, that's right. Miss Little Thrill Seeker here really doesn't like chaos and secretly prefers order and direction. Who knew!?

I think what makes me even more sensitive all this is that people like to tease me about these changes. The fact that I've moved so much and nothing seems constant in my life appears to be face game to people. As though it doesn't bother me so it's ok to pick at. They seem to think I like this.

Ok, my rant is over.

Until later . . .

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