

No Laughing Matter

The combination of rainy days and a head of hair that needs to be cut badly has had me exclaiming on several occasions that I would be thrilled to just shave all my hair off. It would make things so much easier. Everyone I've said this to has laughed after I made the comment. Well, everyone except me because in the back of my mind I think of the person I know who was just diagnosed with breast cancer and may not have a choice as to what happens with their hair.

Yeah, it's no longer a laughing matter after I think of her. And yes, I know that she won't necessarily lose her hair, but still the chances are good if she undergoes chemo. I don't know this person very well. She's closer to a good friend of mine than I. Still, she's one of the nicest people I know and someone I do care about.

The good news is that it was caught early and she's getting treatment. She also has one of the most positive outlooks on life which gives me more trust that she will have the strength it takes to beat this disease. It's just all so surreal (as many things in life can be).

This is definitely one of those posts that truly does not have any rhyme or reason to it. I don't have an agenda or a true point I want to make. I guess my heart is hurting a bit for her. A part of me feels guilty because I get boggled down from time-to-time by things going on in my life and know that it could be a lot worse, but still can't shake my woos. Lastly, all this takes me back to when we learned of my dad's cancer diagnosis. Though the prognosis for her is a lot different than it was for my dad I can't help but go back to that place when you think about it. I've never known anyone to survive cancer. So this will be a first of me!

The last thing I will leave you with today is that my prayers go out to her and her family as they start the journey to recovery.

Until later . . .

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