

Blogging: To The Fourth Power

Four girls . . . women . . . ladies . . . (whatever word you wish to use). Four knitters. Four social networkers. Four bloggers.

All connected by one person.

The idea was simple - My friend had the idea to ask three of us if we'd be interested in committing one post a week on our blogs to the same topic. We would then link our blogs together and see each others take on the topic. We are all girls (or at least that it the adjective I like to use) within a 5 year age span of each other, immersed in social networking such as Facebook, knitters and bloggers. I am personally friends with two of the other three, but can see myself becoming friends with the third person as well.

There was no convincing needed on this endeavor! I was immediately up for the task. Especially since I had inspired a post back in January by Silver of Qiuck Silver Crafter 2.0. (And, yes, there will eventually be a follow-up post to Silver's post.) It was interesting to see how someone else interrupted the question I had posed.

So, what can you expect of this little experiment?

• Expect to see at least one Thursday post about the chosen topic and three additional takes on said topic. (We make no guarantees that they will all go up at the same time, but they will be posted by the end of day on any given Thursday.)

• Expect to get an open and forthright take on the topic from me. Not that I purposely withhold information regularly here (or I at least try not too unless it is truly warranted), but I promise I will try my best to not beating around the bush on these topics.

• Expect that I may challenge you as well. The more opinions/stories/input the merrier, right!?

Below are the urls to the blogs of my fellow bloggers who are taking on this task with me:


desparate madness

Charmingly Random

Now that I've laid the "ground rules" and shared with you the other participants, there is one last thing for me to tell you to expect. Expect to see another post from me by the end of the day (yes, that does mean I have until 11:59 PM tonight, but I'll try to be more timely than that).

Until later . . .

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