

"One Of My Favorite Parts"

A few months ago my coworker and I were commiserating because we both were congested and had slightly bad colds. (You know, the kind of cold that is not bad enough to keep you home, but is bad enough to be noticed.)

One morning, as we were getting our respective teas, my coworker mentioned how it was her goal to drink a lot of liquids that day. I told her I would be happy to remind her throughout the day if she wished. She told me that would be great and thanked me for offering. So, that is what I did. I reminded her throughout the day to make sure she was drinking enough liquids.

The next day when I arrived I noticed there as no cup of tea or any kind of liquid on her desk. So, when I went to get myself some tea I got one for her as well. I did this the next day also. Before I knew it, anytime we were in the office at the same time I would not only get a cup of tea for myself, but for her as well.

This has been going on for a few months now. About two weeks ago I was running late and when I opened my door sitting on my desk was a cup of tea and a cookie.

"Wow! Not only tea, but a cookie too!" I thought to myself. (Yes, it takes very little to excite me.)

When I went to thank her, my coworker thanked me for all the times I got her tea and told me we would be taking turns. She was determined to return the favor going forward (minus the cookie of course). We laughed. I then told her I was about to say, getting the cookie on the side was a nice touch, but not something I would ever expect on an on-going basis.

My coworker was off last week and upon her return today I once again got her a cup of tea to start the day. I then went into my office and proceeded to start my day. That is when she called me into her office. As stood in her doorway she said, "I want you to know you are one of my favorite parts about working here." I looked at her with confusion and amazement as she continued on. I really didn't feel I was doing anything super special. All I could say was something like, "Thank you, it's really not a big deal." Then, I went back to my office and got on with my day.

The words have ruminated with me since. (And I am sure they will for sometime.) To me, it has just been an extra cup of tea that only takes at most an extra minute to make. But to her it means a thousand times more. It's amazing when you realize that the things that seem so little to you are really huge to others.

With that said, I ask and encourage you to tell at least one person in your life that they are "one of your favorite parts." You will be amazed what a difference it can make!

Until later . . .

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