

Morning Randomness

This morning I've been trying to figure out where my flippin' library book went. It was due Saturday, but as I was told they do not assess fines on Sundays because during the summer they are not open on Sundays. So, if I don't find the book today and get it back I will have a late fine. Or have to pay for it. I just paid off some other fines. This is not a trend I wish to continue.

Over the weekend I did some early Spring cleaning. During the purge I found a book a friend lent me that she recently tried to find, but couldn't. Now we know why. I totally forgot I had it. I also found some artifacts from my relationship with my ex. They are now sitting in a corner and I'm trying to figure out what to do with them.

This morning I learned two important cooking lessons - First, if you're going to use the stove top make sure you have the right burner on. Otherwise what you are trying to make won't cook. Secondly, plastic spoons are ideal for eating oatmeal. Metal ones just take on the heat and make it harder to consume.

Whenever I meet an attorney I ask them what the most illegal thing they've ever done was. Whenever I meet someone who majored in Psych I ask them if they have a hard time not analyzing others. Furthermore, I wonder why is it that there are so many attorneys who majored in Psych? And, how is it that I keep meeting these people? Is the universe trying to tell me something?

This weekend a friend of mine actually told me even though they aren't happy they went to law school and became an attorney they would encourage me to go to law school and become a divorce attorney. (Yep, that's right.) When I asked why, they told me it had to do with the fact that I could actually be an advocate (and do some good) for those going through the process given my personal experience. Some food for thought I guess.

I believe the universe allows us to learn tid-bits of information for a reason. Today, I am trying to figure out the reason for my latest discovery.

If I had to choose between spicy chocolate and salty chocolate I would definitely go with salty even the spicy one did add a little "kick" to my day.

Until later . . .

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