

Socktacular Saturday: Getting Back to Socks

The Ravelympics is almost over. Somehow, I've managed to not only add approximately 40 - 50 more squares to blankie, but also finish two scarves. This has got me thinking. It's gotten me thinking about how I'm going to finish at least three pairs of socks in the next couple of weeks - ok, maybe more realistically next two/three months.

One thing I've found to be key in getting me to my goal in the Ravelympics is portioning my knitting time. Yes, I would love to just work on blankie, but that means I wouldn't have a finished object until October/November. The truth is that I miss making socks. That is one thing I realized from the whole Sock Wars experience.

So, the plan of attack is that after tomorrow's opening ceremony I will refocus on the Husband Socks. I will also touch BFF's socks as well. After that, I want to make a pair of the pedicure socks that I made for my for me. This time, I'm writing down what I did so I can write-up the pattern. Amongst all those things maybe I'll even start my February Lady Sweater as well. Is that too ambitious? I guess I will find out!

Until later . . .

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