

Definitions and Choices

A few years ago I had to make one of the hardest decisions I have ever faced. To make matters even harder, I had make an immediate decision. At the time, I made the decision that seemed like the "right" decision. Since then, I periodically doubt that decision. So much so, I sometimes ask my friends if I really did the "right" thing. After these moments, I return to the place in my heart, and gut, that tells me I did what was right.

This past week I was told that I most likely would not be "good" at something and it might be a "good" thing if I don't do it. After I recovered from being blind-sided by this comment I discussed the comment with a few of my closer friends. The thing that got me most about this comment being made was that there is no way to know if I would be good at it or not unless I went ahead and did it.

Day in and day out (in theory) I make decisions on what stories and thoughts I want to put out into cyberspace. Over time, what I am comfortable blogging about has changed. Over time what I thought I would blog about has changed.

All the blurbs above may seem as though they aren't related, but in reality they are related. They all have to do with definitions and choices. What does it mean when I say "the right choice?" Or, your definition of "good" may be far different then mine. What I deem acceptable and not acceptable to shoot off into cyberspace revolves around my definition of these concepts.

From these definitions choices are made. Some small. Some large. Some of the small choices have larger effects than originally thought. Some of the larger choices have less of an effect then originally thought. How we define things and the choices we make are more tied together than they look to be on the surface.

There is just a little food for thought that has been tossed around my world these days.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i love your profound posts!
in any case, you never know what will be right or wrong until you go ahead and do it and then face what comes next, either good or bad.

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