

Socktacular Saturday: How Far?

How much time and effort would you be willing to devote to obtaining a sock pattern?

This week, I found out what my limits (or lack there of) are. I was on Rav cruising through sock patterns when I saw one that looked really cool and funky. There was one little problem. It was a pattern that was exclusive to a Yahoo Group for German knitters. Yep, that's right - German knitters.

Now, the closest I've gotten to Germany is purchase German yarns such as Woolmeise and Opal. Oh, and also coveting the ever beautiful Crazy Zauberball yarn. (It kind of reminds me of Noro, but A LOT softer.)

So here I am, drooling over a German yarn and what seems like an unobtainable pattern. What to do . . . what to do . . . After careful consideration, I decided to take action. I joined the Yahoo Group. Nope. I don't speak or read German though I'm starting feel as though I should learn. Nor, do I know anyone who does. (Or, at least anyone I am comfortable calling up and asking to translate.) However, that didn't stop me.

After accessing the group, I started my hunt. The fact that everything was in German just made the experience THAT much more interesting. It actually took me a few trips back to the site, but I eventually prevailed!

Just when it looked liked there were no obstacles in the way, I realized the pattern was in German. Duh! The next quest had begun. Now I needed someone to translate the pattern. I had tried a few online translators, but they didn't work that great. As it turns out a two of my friends knew people who knew and could translate German. They were happy to ask them to do so on my behalf. Yeah, I saw the text of that e-mail . . . "Hi, I have this friend who knits and she found this pattern that, but in German and she asked me if you could translate it for her. It's for a pair of socks." In the meantime, I started looking at the other patterns this group had online and noticed they all had English version. Could it be that I was a special kind of dazed and didn't see the English version for my prize pattern. So, I back tracked and alas, victory! Not only did I have a copy of the pattern I wanted, I had a copy in English!

No need to learn German! I was home free!! WooHoo!!!

Until later . . .

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