

Happy Birthday!

• Was it 3.8, 4.0 or 4.3?

• I'm the one handing out recipes . . . am I the only one who sees the irony in this?

• I find skydiving and riding a motorcycle a lot less risky

• It's like a bad rerun

• Playing bad cop is not my preference

• Blind-sided, that's all I can say

• I slept through it - I must have been really tired!

• Wow! Could the end be near? And, if so would I be happy?

• Oh, the things I really wanted to say

• Google Buzz = Facebook/Twitter wannabe?

• Only days until the Ravlympics and still no decision on what event(s) I'll participate in

• Two police officers and a drug sniffing dog - just your average night at the movies!

• Such a simple fix would have cost a lot of cash and he did it in a matter of seconds for free

• One more day . . . just one more day!

Until later . . .

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