

The Great Wall Of Blankie

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for February 2, 2010:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 430

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 306

After 10 months of diligently working on this monster I have reached "The Great Wall of Blankie."

Yes, "The Great Wall Of Blankie." Maybe it's because my personal life is crazier than usually these days. Maybe it's because of all my other knitting commitments. Maybe I'm just burnt out. Whatever it is, I've hit a wall with this project. It makes me a bit frustrated. Ugh! That was painful to say. Very painful! It makes me want to give up and just accept defeat.

As of tomorrow I have 300 days to finish this. In theory that means I have to knit about 3 - 4 squares a day. Just the thought . . .


I'm sure I will be over this wall soon. At least I hope that is the case. I hope this frustration is just like the frustration I felt during Sock Wars. Now that I've "thrown" the blankie across the room and declared defeat it's time to pick it back up and start hacking away at it once again. I can do this . . . I know I can!

Here's to the next 300 days!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Mom of many said...

you have to knit 1 a day.. you have 300 days left and 300 squares to do... perhaps you could just do 1 a day, and then it wouldn't be such a pita. Mine is hibernating right now.

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