

It Is Drawing Near

The end of this project that is.

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for May 25, 2010:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 676

Remaining Squares Needed: 60

It's hard to believe. All the decisions I said I would make once I finished will soon be upon me. Again, it's hard to believe.

Recently, I finished my last swap. When I posted this fact on the swapping forum, there was a few people who weren't happy to hear the news. One even suggested I start a new mitered square project just so I could keep swapping. I was flattered, but I believe once blankie has grown to its final size I will take a rest (most likely using blankie to keep warm). I need to regain my strength as I still have my mom's blanket to finish.

The other day I was taking a look at it. It's funny how small it is. I hope I will have the stamina to finish mom's after having run the marathon to create my blankie.

I've also been thinking about what other "big" project will be next. Maybe a blanket for my Auntie. She's made me numerous blankets throughout the years. I would love to do something special like that for her - especially since she was the one who originally taught me how to knit.

It's odd to be thinking about something other than making blankie. I feel as though I'm cheating on blankie.

Phew . . . All these thoughts and feeling are making me exhausted. I think it's time to pack it in for tonight.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i don't think you're cheating on blankie. you worked hard on it and will be reaping the benefits soon. in the meantime, you still have those BFF memorial day, independence day, birthday (again) socks to work on. ;)

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