


As you would imagine, there is a lot of behind the scenes communication between all the members of the Thursday blog project. As there should be as far as I'm concerned.

This past week, on my end it was about how I didn't want to write on the topic Shara @ Desperate Madness had given us - How we seek refuge when we're in a funk? After a few message exchanges we decided if I wish to not write my post this week they would all understand. I appreciated these words and decided to opt out. However, for some reason, unbeknown to me, I'm still writing my Thursday post . . . to some extent at least.

My decision to post something came yesterday as I was driving. A lot my "writing" takes place in the car actually and as I made my way home last night I kept thinking how maybe I should just post that I am not posting. Then I thought, why bother all the readers of my blog are probably close friends anyhow and they already know how I feel about this topic. Then I wondered if anyone, outside of this foursome, would even notice that I hadn't posted my Thursday post. Oh, that and the fact that I would officially be skipping a post which I haven't not done since this project started.

The topic we were given really bothered me because I felt it was beyond the level of personal detail I was willing to put out there. Also, I wasn't sure why anyone would really want to hear about how I handle my funks. Lastly, as I stated above, I would imagine most of those reading this post already know how I handle my funks.

So, there are my thoughts on the topic. Sorry if I have disappointed you. That said, my fellow bloggers have lots to share about how they take refuge when they are in a funk. You can read all about them by clicking on the links below:

Jenn @ Charmingly Random
Mel @ Me!!!
Shara @ Desperate Madness

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it helps me to try something new, and get ideas how to get myself out of a funk! Especially since I've been in a few lately, myself. It was nice to read what other people do, and give myself some ideas when I need it.
I'm glad that you wrote... even if you didn't like the topic.

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