

Socktacular Saturday (Bonus Edition): New Skill

Over the course of the four n' four sockfest I realized it was time to learn a new sock knitting skill. Nicely put, I can basically knit socks in my sleep at this point.

So, I had to decide what skill that would be. After some consideration, I decided it was time to learn how to knit socks on two circular needles. So, I got two sets of circular needles from Knit Pick - the Harmony Woods to be exact. I could have gone to JoAnn's or Michael's and purchased a set there, but from a cost prespective it would have been the same as purchase the Harmonys. So, I went with the set that would be the most pretty to look at while I was suffering through the learning curve.

At first I did not rock this technique. I was given a short tutorial on this technique and then it was time for me to go at it on my own. In the beginning I cast on a few stitches and just made a tube. Instead of worrying about a sock pattern, I first wanted to get a feel for the technique itself. Then I attempted a sock.

Let's just say it didn't workout to well. I had trouble joining the stitches. So, in true me fashion I started using one of the circulars for another purpose - working on blankie. However, the idea that I couldn't make socks with two circs still bothered me. The idea taunted me every time I looked at those damn needles.

Recently, I started the patter "In Season" which was one of my sock club pattern in 2009. I purposely picked this pattern because I knew I either needed to work with five double pointed needles (something I just can't do) or used two circulars. So, I dove-in and went for the circs. In the interest of full-disclosure, I will admit I didn't officially didn't join the stitches on the two circulars. The pattern called for the cuff to me knit on size 0 needles and I only had size 1 circulars.

I did as the pattern said and started it on size 0. Then, I transferred my work to size 1 circulars. Though I sorta "cheated" a majority of the sock was knit on the circs. I even figured out how to pick-up the gusset stitches on two circs which might I tell you is a very interesting process.

All said and done, I'm happy with the way the first sock has turned out and believe I'm hooked on two circulars. I believe they are easier to handle. Also, unlike sock of the past, my first sock has NO ladders in it. WOOHOO!!! I suspect the two circlar method of sock knitting will be helpful once I venture into the world of complex charts/pattern repeats.

Of course this now means my two sets of double-point sock needles will be neglected. Guess I'll just have to figure out different projects for them.

Now, I realize this post has been filled with a lot of knitting jargon. If you are a non-knitter and you'v made it to this point in the post I would like to say thank you and the pictures believe might give you a bit of an idea what I'm talking about. For all the knitters reading this blog . . . Well, I'm sure you'll like the pictures (or at least I hope you do).

Pretty color yarn don't you think???

Ooops! Forgot to dust before I took the picture; please excuse the mess!

See, no ladders.

Until later . . .


Unknown said...

nice job..I like your yarn. Have you ever done the magic loop method? I went from double points to 2 circs to magic loop and rarely do anything else now.

Melissa said...

the last shot is very artistic. i like the colors. :)

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