

What's My Name?

It started when I was working with BFF. We sat on opposite sides of the same floor. When we weren't at the others cube chit-chatting we would use company e-mail to report the latest and greatest happenings in our ends of the world. Or, to voice our opinions about the happenings. That's when we created a set of nicknames for all the main players around the office. (Ok, there was a list already started by BFF and MC, but over time it got added too.) This is how we would make sure the nosey IT guys, who most likely read our e-mails, wouldn't have a clue who we were talking about. That was my first time using nicknames.

When I started dating after my return to Chicagoland I would give nicknames to all the guys I went out with. Whether or not they were flattering had to do with whether or not I liked the guy. The more entertaining ones were not flattering as you might imagine. Basically, I would identify each suitor with the quality that made them "standout" amongst the others. This way it was easy for my friends to know who I was speaking of. And, in some cases, who to stay away from should they cross paths. For better or worse it was a system and, like the work nicknames, the system served its purpose.

My goal is to protect the innocent. Or as I know them, my friends who happen to get dragged into the stories I write about from time-to-time on this blog. Sometimes the nicknames I use come to me without much thought - like Happy Hooker. The enthusiasm she had when she pulled out her copy of "Stitch N Bitch: The Happy Hooker" . . . How could I not nickname her that!? Then there are others whose nicknames are not set in stone which makes the naming process a bit fun because it presents me with the challenge of finding the best name possible to suit the person.

As for nicknames I've been given . . . Nothing that I am aware of really stands out. Ok, there is is one that has a special place in my heart, but that is between me and that person. With the exception of that one, most of the time my nicknames are just variations on my name. No good stories on this aspect of the topic folks - Sorry!

My Thursday blog friends have their own nicknames so check out what they have to say at one of the links below:

Jenn @ Charmingly Random
Mel @ Me!!!
Shara @ Desperate Madness


Melissa said...

I think we still make up nicknames for people. :) This brought back funny memories. Thanks for sharing!

Just a Girl In the World said...

i think you use those nicknames more than i do at this point. (i guess some habits truly die hard.) :P gld this brought back good memories for you.

Jenn said...

I always used to make up names for guys I dated. One guy I called Melissa Etheridge...LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I love how you made nicknames for your coworkers AND guys you dated!! Hysterical!! I never did that, but what a great idea! I'm sure I will end up doing that with the kids friends someday!!

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