

A New Flavor Please

I have 20 left.

My office had gone out for lunch (I believe it was a new hire lunch) that day and we had just arrived back to our mail sitting between the main-door handles (as it always was when no one was in the office when the mailman came by) and a box on the ground. Being one of the first to door I bent down and picked up the box. It read:

c/o Froggie's Company"

"Why is there a box from for me? Did I buy something and just forget?" I thought to myself. Shopping at wasn't uncommon for me, but I knew I hadn't bought anything recently so I was a bit perplexed. I fumbled through the rest of the mail to make sure there was nothing I needed to bring back with me and proceeded to my office. I have to admit I felt a bit of anticipation because I wanted to know what was in the box.

Once the box was open I stared at its contents with as much confusion as I had looked at it just 5/10 minutes earlier. In front of me was a box busting at the seams with Bigelow Chinese Oolong tea. MANY, MANY, MANY, MANY boxes of it to be exact. There was so much tea I just had to calculate approximately how long it would take me to finish it. The final count - I could have tea every work day for the next year and a half. I say "work day" because I didn't drink tea at home as much as I did at work.

I then let out loud laugh. There was only one person who could have gotten this for me.

That was almost three years ago. The tea that "should" have taken a year and a half to finish still has a home in my cub bard. Over the years there have been a few times I thought I was finished with them, but more just seemed to rear its ugly head. When I found the last box I chuckled inside and shook my head in disbelief. (This tea was becoming like a loose-ends.) Just when I thought I was done with them more came out of the woodwork. It isn't surprising, but you just get over it. It's just the same ol' flavor - once again.

This time I am fairly confident only 20 more tea bags exist. (Hope I can say the same thing for loose-ends.) This is a good thing too! It's time for a new flavor.

Any suggestions?

Until later . . .


Melissa said...

i know i wasn't the one who sent you that much tea. i think i gave you a box once. :) i know it's your favorite. i'm definitely jealous of how much you got in the package! i love that tea!
new flavor...hmmm...jasmine green is good. stash chocolate hazelnut tea is fantastic. i also love celestial seasonings honey vanilla chamomile.

Just a Girl In the World said...

no, it wasn't you. i'm very sure of that!

Kelly-ann said...

Hmmmm...I would suggest a variety pack if you decide to refill in a bulk amount! I didn't realize you were a big tea drinker. There is a wonderful tea cafe/store up in the Algonquin Commons called TeaGschwendner.

Just a Girl In the World said...

thanks for the suggestion kelly-ann! i usually don't buy tea in that extreme bulk. like i said, it was a gift.

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