

Socktacular Saturday: Summer Ambition

In a little over four weeks I have finished four pairs of socks.

Yes, that's right! You don't need to check your eye sight. Four pairs of socks. I realize that is a lot for me. Actually this current trend has been noticed by many. If I had to attribute my return to sock knitting to one specific thing I would say it has to do with the fact that blankie is almost finished.

Since last May I've spent so much time and energy on blankie that I've really put to the aside anything else. Sure, I've made a pair of socks here and there. And, there was the scarves I made during the Ravelympics, but once those "one off" projects were finished it was back to making sure blankie grew by leaps and bounds.

During this time there definitely has been vast stash enhancement in terms of sock yarn. I was actually got to the point of having to figure out a new place to hide store my sock yarn since there was no place let in my cedar chest. This led me to cutting back on the purchase of sock yarn. No, you don't need to check your eye sight, you read that correctly.

That has since changed over the past months. As I start to make more socks, gaps in my sock yarn stash are starting to develop. Honestly, this is starting to make me panic a bit. A month ago I was telling my friends that I had enough and now all the sudden I am afraid my yarn diet will leave me skinner than I had anticipated. And, if there is one thing I've learned about myself over the past few years, unlike my desire to shed some of my extra body poundage; as a general, overall rule, I have no problem carrying around a few extra pound of yarn.

So, once again I'm going to lay down a gauntlet. Starting as of yesterday, I am aiming to see how many socks I can make over the next three months (over a little over three months). The exact dates: May 28, 2010 (Memorial Day Weekend) thru September 6, 2010 (Labor Day Weekend). To make this even more "interesting" for every simple pattern I make I plan to make a pattern that is clearly something that will pose a challenge to me - and potential teach me a new skill. Also, I promise to blog about each sock including at least one picture of the pair in question as proof of completion.

If I keep at the rate I've been going I should be able to crank-out at least 16 pairs of socks. However, this is life so who knows what obstacles I'll be thrown that will keep me from achieving that goal. Or, who knows, maybe I'll be able to make more than 16 pairs.

Like everything else, I guess only time will tell!

Until later . . .

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