

Mid-Day Newsbreak

Compliments of the Boston Harold:

I heard about this news bit on the radio this morning so I had to learn more. Once Johnny boy is done helping Hillary, he is welcome to help me out!

Jon Bon Jovi to play benefit for Hillary Clinton

Jon Bon Jovi is going to help future Secretary of State Hillary Clinton retire her campaign debt. The former presidential candidate still has a $6.3 million campaign debt to pay off before she gets the go-ahead to head up the State Department. The New Jersey rocker will perform at a fund-raiser...

Click here for the full article

A Little Food News:

Keep an eye out for the rising price of that Tuna Roll at your favorite sushi restaurant.

Premium tuna fetches $100,000 at auction
Two sushi bar owners paid more than $100,000 for a Japanese bluefin tuna at a Tokyo fish auction Monday, several times the average price and the highest in nearly a decade, market officials said.

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