

We're Not Gossiping, We're Just Sharing Information

Earlier this week I was "informed" of some news about someone I use to know a long time ago. They actually played a role in one of the significant events in my life so I'll always hold some interest in how they are doing and what they are up too. The "information" that was shared with me is unbelievable, yet I can believe that they actually did this. After this "information" was shared with me one of the first things I thought of was how someone else I knew - once upon a time - would probably LOVE to hear about this one (at least I think they would). They too would find it unbelievable, yet in character. One little snag - I don't speak to them anymore either. So, I don't talk to the person the "information" is about and I don't talk to the person I want to share the "information" with.... SIGH.... I guess in the end it's a good thing I can't pass on this "information." Gossiping... Oh, I mean "sharing information" about others is a bad thing.

Several years back I use to belong to a online mentoring web site for my given profession. Every Friday there was a thread titled "3 Good Things." I loved this thread because it forced me to step-back and think of at least 3 good things that had happened to me that week and it would help me realize the week wasn't as bad as it might have seemed. Needless to say, some weeks were easier than others. I think with all the bad things going on around us people need to think of their "3 Things" as often as they can.

Since it's Friday, I'll post mine here:

1) It was a short work week for me.
2) I got a good performance evaluation at work.
3) I've begun to contemplate my vacation plans for 2009 . . . .

After reviewing the YouTube video on knitting cables and receiving moral support from my knitting peeps I began to make the Karaoke Cable Scarf that will go with the "Froggie size B" hat for the STBT. Now my only concern is whether or not I'll have enough yarn for a decent length scarf. It's for a child so it can't be too long, but definitely not short. Hmmm. . .

One last thought on cables -- > To quote eldashwood when I mentioned I was venturing into the world of cables: "Welcome to the dark side."

Until later. . .

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Cables are fun! I love the gossip graphic too.

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