

Yes, Really, It's Only January 2nd

I always feel the first couple of days after the new year are a let down. Think about it, for at least two months leading up to Thanksgiving there is anticipation for the holidays in the air. After Thanksgiving everyone is running around like mad people to get their holiday shopping completed and prepare for their respective holiday celebration(s). Then there is New Year's Eve. . . Yes, the time in which we say goodbye to another year and make resolutions that will most likely be broken within the first few minutes of the year.

Seriously, I don't normally make New Year resolutions. I guess I don't feel like I need the beginning of a new year to look at what I can do to improve myself. To me self improvement is a year-round effort. So, no, I have not set any resolutions for 2009. However, I did come up with a list of things I'd like to accomplish this year. A list that I'm sure will be added onto very quickly in the weeks and months to come. Amongst this list, are several knitting related items which include making a lace overlay for my grandmother's cedar chest and curbing my yarn intake.

Yes, yes, I know I seem somewhat cynical today. I think that mainly has to do with the fact that a friend of mine got laid off today. Great way to start off the new year, huh!?

I will end my tangent about New Year's with this random fact - Since 1999 they've been making sunglasses similiar to these, however 2009 was the last year they could manufacture them until the year 3000 . . . Hope you got a pair.

So, it's January second, now what? Well, I've finished sock one of two and am eight chapters into Laurie Perry's book "Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair: The True-Life Misadventures of a 30-Something Who Learned to Knit After He Split."

Actually, I love the Crazy Aunt Purl blog. I think Laurie is hilarious and personally I can relate to many of the things she's gone through. This is the third time I've checked this book out from the library. The first two times I was too busy to actually read the book. This time I'm making a whole-hearted effort to finish it.

With that in mind, I'm going to sign off... Ta! Ta!

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