

The Rule of Three

They say, whether good or bad, things come in threes.

As I go through life and things happen to me - or in the world around me - it seems apparent the rule of three is one you can usually count on.

This week, the rule of threes is in full play. The first three days mark the recognition of three significant events or "mile markers" as I like to call it. Two of these three will be celebrated throughout our country. The third I speak of is one that is personal, but nonetheless important.

Consequently, these three things not only fall during the same week in January, but during the first three days of the week. . . one after another after another. Lastly, they all embody the concept of change and represent hope for the future.

Monday, January 19, 2009:

Today, we recognized the contributions that Martin Luther King, Jr. made in our country. For some, today was just another day off from work or school because it was a federal holiday. For others just another day in a string of many days because they didn't get the day off. Then there are those, whether they get the day off or not, that don't look at this day as just another federal holiday. Today is the day they honor Dr. King because his contribution have given them the opportunity to have a better life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Outside of any extenuating circumstance, the US Constitution mandates that on the 20th day of January after a presidential election has taken place, the President-Elect will be sworn into office. The main purpose was for this amendment to the Constitution was to reduce the time between the election of the president and his term. (The 20th amendment took effect on October 15, 1933.)

Tomorrow, January 20, 2009, not only will 44th President of the United States of America be sworn into office, but our country will also make history by swearing in the first African American President.

In addition to this historic fact and change for our country, President-elect Obama also takes on the role of President during these challenging times and is expect to put into motion the necessary actions to bring this country back to a stable and prosperous state. It is a lofty undertaking and one that embodies hope for the future.

Wednesday, January 22, 2009

On this matter I wouldn't even know where to start.

At the end of the day, change is inevitable. With that change can come hope. However, in order to recognize all this it is sometimes necessary to look back even if we don't want too in order to realize how far forward we really have come.

On that note, I will say farewell. . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

isn't wednesday the 21st?

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