

The Calm of Yoga

I guess I have to declare the weekend a success as I actually got a lot accomplished given that I was running around all over the place.

Saturday started with the crack of dawn (at least the crack of dawn for a Saturday) yoga class that I've been wanting to attend since I moved. Since it was first thing in the morning, I decided to do a pre-class warm-up on the elliptical machine. If I wasn't awake already that definitely woke me up. I have to admit I was skeptical that the class would actually take place because I wasn't sure many people would attend. Apparently I was wrong. The group size was actually decent. The class itself was good and definitely reminded me how long it had been since I attended a yoga class. It isn't as easy as it looks. Thankfully I didn't push myself like I have a tendency to do sometime. Also, I really liked the instructors. I say instructors because the regular instructor had to leave early so her husband took over for the second half of the class.

With yoga behind me I was off with my day - which was a packed one at that. Before I knew it 10:30 AM turned into 4 PM and I had gotten all that I set out to accomplished done - and then some. This included some "house mousing." During this time my body had decided it was upset with me for my early morning workout and made sure I was aware of that fact.

My Sunday started early as well. Though this time there wasn't a workout involved. Even though I wasn't running around as much this day, I did get a lot done - including completing the Karaoke Cable Scarf and tackling the Britney Socks.

I'm so happy with the way the KCS turned out, and still pleasantly surprised that I like the color so much. Once again, never judge a book by its cover. It will look perfect with this jumper dress I got awhile back. I was hoping to have enough yarn to make a matching headband as well, but no such luck. No biggie. I'll just have to see what other yarn I have in my stash that comes close to matching.

Then there is the Britney Socks. . .

When we last left this unfolding sock drama I had just gotten to a point where I was turning the heel, but didn't have enough stitches to complete this portion of the pattern - thus the reason for setting it down. My frustration level with this project had hit its peak and I needed to step away before I threw it across the room (I've heard of other knitters doing this - getting so frustrated with a project that they throw said project across the room - but I've never actually done it myself and I don't ever want there to be a first time.) Each time I saw this sock just sitting there it taunted me. Finally, I took the challenge head-on.

By now I know enough about knitting socks that this shouldn't be a big deal. Come on now! A sock, is a sock, is a sock. . . right!? After looking at the sock and assessing the situation I decided the solution to my problem was as easy as pulling out my crochet hook and adding ten additional stitches. Oh, and adding a round of stockinette. So, that's what I did. The result - SUCCESS! I moved on to the next set of ribbing and am now getting ready to decrease the toe. Yes, believe it or not (I don't) I will soon have finished one of these fantabulous socks. Woo-freakin-hoo! Now I just need to keep the momentum going for the second sock. If I can, I'd really like to finish them for yoga this coming Saturday morning. I believe they'd be super comfy to wear.

Until later folks . . .

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