

Just Dance!

I've decided I need to lighten things up a bit on this blog. My last couple of entries have been WAY too deep - even for my liking.

I know where I'm moving, but haven't contacted the appropriate people to get everything in place (my bad I know). With that in mind, I started packing, I mean really packing, Monday night while I watched Dancing With The Stars.

So, there I was with all the Sunday newspapers I had failed to throw-out and my dishes and glasses by my side while I watched DWTS. To say I love Dancing With The Stars is an understatement. This probably has something to do with my love of dancing, but then couple that with celebrities and professional dancer - what a great show! At first I thought this season's cast was going to be a bore however that is not turning out to be the case.

Like with any cast it didn't take me long to decide who my favorites were and who I wouldn't mind see being sent home.


Steve Wozniak:

Yes, he's not a good dancer, but you got to give this man credit for trying. Though he may not be stellar on the dance floor you can tell he is giving 120% and having fun doing it. Do I think he'll make it all the way? Ummm... I'm not too sure, but I would love to see him have some sort of breakthrough and become one of the top contenders.

For some reason the judges don't want to give Woz a break and I'm not sure why. Who knows!? Obviously I'm a fan of his and so are those that visit the web site Vote Steve Wozniak. I wasn't surprised he survived last night's elimination. All the techy geeks, especially Mac geeks - such as myself - are rallying around this Apple co-founder.

Shawn Johnson

Not that I actually knew who she was prior to this show, but she definitely made a huge impression on my from week one. Shawn Johnson has definitely got my vote!

Gilles Marini

This man is HOT! HOT! HOT! And I'm not talking about his "performance" in the movie "Sex and the City." I'm talking about his moves on the dance floor. He's one of my picks for the semi-finals.

Melissa Rycroft

Melissa Rycroft is my top pick to win this season. Some may think that she has an unfair advantage since she has formal ballet training, but I don't see it. It's a different type of dance and doesn't guarantee anything.

Steve O

Ok, I have to admit it, I feel really dirty for liking this guy. However, the other night when he was dancing I could see the sincerity he has for the competition. I would be thrilled to see him have a breakthrough and give the judges no reason to give him low scores.

Lawrence Taylor

This man has got it going on! At first I thought he was hopeless and would never find his groove, but that doesn't appear to be the case. I wouldn't be surprised if he landed in the semi-finales.

Stars I Wouldn't Mind Saying Good-Bye Too:

Holly Madison

I'm going to make a confession - I was a fan of the reality show "The Girls Next Door" so it's not like I'm hating on Holly because she was one of Hugh Hefner's former girlfriends or has anything to do with that organization. Simply put she is lacking the personality for the dances. I hate being cruel, but I think she could get the dances down technically all she wants, but she's not bringing the personality to the dances. Of the three former girlfriends I honestly think Bridgette should have been the one to join this competition.

Lil' Kim

Again, I don't want to be a hater, but Lil' Kim is just not wowing me. I find myself wanting to change the channel when she dances. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but there is something there.

Denise Richards

I have to say, I wasn't a huge fan of Denise Richards' dancing, but she did a much better job the Holly Madison in this week's "dance-off." I would have rather see her stay then Holly.

That said, up until the dance off there was something stiff and awkward about Denise Richards' performance and I can see why the judges gave her such low scores.

Indifference is just that. . . Indifference:

Ty Murray

I'm starting to warm-up to Ty Murray, but not someone whose performance I MUST see.

Chuck Wicks

Like Ty Murray, I'm starting to warm-up to Chuck Wick. However, I'm just sitting on the edge when it comes to him. He isn't a must see in my book right now.

Belinda Carlisle

I was disappointed with Belinda Carlisle. I figured with her performance background she would have been able to dance better than she did.

David Allen Grier

He's another I'm starting to warm up too, but I don't see him going all the way - or even to the semi-finales.


Melissa said...

your subject line made me think of that song "just dance" that makes me think of gay clubs.

Just a Girl In the World said...

Has this song replaced "One More Time"?

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