

No Doldrums Here

My spoiler's package for the Winter Doldrum's swap came yesterday - and man was it worth the wait. There are no Winter Doldrum's here.

And what was in the package you ask?

Swap Goodies

Oh, where should I begin. . .

First off, I'd like to say the letter CinLove wrote was very nice and thoughtful. In it she told me all about the things she had gathered for me and that this particular swap was a lot of fun for her. I was glad that she enjoyed it so much. After reading the letter I started to explore the enclosed goodies.

The first thing I saw was the frog material. It was so cute and my first thought was that it would be perfect to make a project bag for all the socks I make. Funny enough, CinLove had the same idea, but she thought since I had gotten a project bag as an RAK gift I didn't need one. No worries! This will be the perfect chance for me to learn to sew again. (I had a sewing machine accident as a kid and that has kept me away from sewing machines since - if I feel like it I will share that story another time.) I've been thinking about getting one for sometime now.

I picked up the frog material to reveal a plastic bag with purple Cherry Tree Hill yarn and a frog toy. Purple yarn and a wind-up frog toy - that's when I knew I really hit the jackpot. I love the frog toy so much I took some video of it hopping around - yes, I do realize I'm a dork!

With my need to play with the frog toy out of the way (at least momentarily), I dug farther into the box to find yummy Green Tea and beautiful purple note cards.

But that is not where it stopped ...

In keeping with the Purim theme the group had choosen, CinLove included a Queen Ester drawing and Hamentashens. (I'm getting hungry just thinking about them!) Peach and chocolate where in the center of these tasty treats.

To round out the package, I also got the Gothic Leaf Stole pattern. OMG! I have been eying this pattern for some time as I want to make it to use as an overlay for my Grandmother's cedar chest (a family heirloom).

As I looked at all the fun goodies I had just gotten I wondered what I had done to deserve all this great stuff. I mean seriously. I had never been spoiled like this before by a swap partner.

Oh! One more thing I almost forgot to mention. The box it was all packed in. . .

Free Agent Box

To most this is just a plain-jane external hard drive box. For me it was the source of my first Winter Doldrums swap and a few laughs as well. Why that is you might ask. Well, amongst my interests, I'm a wantbe techy geek. I'm really into computers and technology so I found it fitting that it was all pack-up in a box that formerly held something technology related. It was the perfect box for something going to me.

I will end this post, as I began it - there are no doldrums to be found here.

Until later . . .

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