

May The Purim Force Be With You

The Purim service/celebration I attended this evening had a Star Wars theme to it. Different from any Purim I have ever attended. Don't get me wrong it was still nice, just different. At the service the adults that dressed up got a bottle of wine (see above pic) and the kids that dressed up got chocolate bars . . . Hmmm. . . Wine or Chocolate? Chocolate or Wine? Sometimes life just isn't fair!

After I got home from temple I sat down withe objective to upload all the photos I hadn't over the past several days. This included pictures of the infamous Britney Socks in all their completed glory.

Finished Britney Socks

Wearing the Britney Socks

Since I apparently can't go more than 24 hours without an active project, I started my mom's second pair of socks.

Socks for Mom - The Sequel

I like the color, but not like I like the colorway for her first pair of socks.

There is so much more I want to write about, but I'm tired and it's time to sleep. Until later . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really love the colors and pooling on the Britney socks. What yarn are using for the pair you just cast on?

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