

A New Adventure?


I came home tonight to some interesting news. I have to move, again - soon. Details are just that, details. Those that I know in real life can e-mail me for those details. For everyone else... well, you'll just have see if I disclose any of those details as time goes passes.

I have to admit at first I wasn't thrilled about this. However, now, I'm starting to feel better about it and looking at it as a new adventure. I think when I choose this place I did so because it was safe and that's what I needed at the time - something safe.

Now it's time for a new adventure . . . I've been feeling restless for awhile now. Of course, regardless of where I end up it will have to be somewhere close to a yarn shop AND have some sort of knitting group. :P (Yes, it always comes back to knitting)

Stay tuned for more developments . . .

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