

Getting Caught Up

My mind is all over the place these days . . . . and I recognize the fact that I haven't been updating this blog. This is mainly the result of all that is going on in my world. Having to make a decision on my moving stuff and packing at the same time . . . Ok, I admit not as much packing as I should be doing. Oh, and live my day-to-day life as well.

I've also been doing a lot of knitting as well - this is when I get a lot of my best "thinking" done. Since that is the case, I'll start with that...

I set a person record for sock knitting. I finished my mom's second pair of socks in one week. Yes! One week. I truly cracked through them AND the look great.

Mom's Second Pair of Socks

Instead of waiting until I see her next to give them to her, I'm thinking about sending them to her work as a surprised. Who doesn't love to get packages in the mail - let alone a package at work. I'm sure it would brighten her day even more than usual.

Immediately after I finished mom's socks I started the next pair. They are going to be a belated birthday present for my friend M.

M's Sock

This time around I'm creating my own pattern. After four pairs of socks I've got the basic down and can practically knit them in my sleep. I told M that I was experimenting with the pattern and that I couldn't guarantee that they would turn out fantabulous. M was cool with that. So far I'm pleased with how they are turning out. However, they aren't coming out exactly as well as I had hoped - can you say "prototype?" It's all good.

Speaking of socks, I missed out on $5 - $10 Dream in Color yarn outlet sale. Though I don't need more yarn at the moment I do feel like I missed out on some great deals and really wish I had made it to the sale.

I find myself laughing at myself a lot these days when it comes to my obsession with sock knitting. I'm sure I've mentioned before how horrible I am at keeping track of socks I buy. It's one of the two things I will not, in most cases, spend a lot of money on because I lose them in the blink of an eye. It got so bad at one point that I started the "Lonely Socks Heart Club" for socks that were missing their mate. It seemed more creative than calling it the pile of mateless socks. The goal was to keep these mateless socks in one place so if I happened upon the matching sock I would have one central place to look to find the matching sock. It actually worked too.

Signs of spring and summer have been all around this week. And, in the world of knitting there is no exception. Information on annual events like Stitch 'N' Pitch, World Wide Knit In Public Day and Sock Wars has made its way online. I'm seriously considering participating in Sock Wars this go around.

That is all the "shop" talk I have for now... I will end this entry with this story from today:

Luck of the Non-Irish

So I was driving and I took a $10 bill out of my wristlet as I was going to use it for something (but I can't remember what). Since I didn't end up using it I just set it on my lap. When I got out of my car I forgot that I had the $10 bill on my lap and just got up without taking it off my lap.

(I think this is a good place to mention that it was really windy out at the time)

I went inside and went to get the $10, again, realized what I had done and went back out to my car. I figured it was sitting on the seat or the floor by the gas and break pedals. When I got to my car and saw it wasn't there I was a tad upset - some may say it was only $10, but $10 is $10. However, I wasn't about to cry over "spilled milk" either so I decided to lock my door and go inside. As I locked the drivers side door I happened to glance down at the front drivers side tire. Guess what I saw. . .

Luck of the Non-Irish - March 17, 2009

Luck of the Non-Irish!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow, one week! And they do look nice! I'm sure your mom will love the surprise. Glad you found your $10, that is lucky!

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