

No Rhyme Or Reason

There is no rhyme or reason to my entry . . . just a lot of rambling this time around. I guess you can say it's sort of how my week has been.

news of the impending move threw me for a loop and caused me to lose focus of anything else going on. There are a lot of decisions to be made - and made quickly!

Tuesday found me with a car matters to attend too which is was a bunch of fun.

Actually, I have to pat myself on the back because over the past several months I've become more car savvy in terms of learning how to take care of things on my own vs. running to a shop to get it taken care of - or a boy for that matter. Granted, Tuesday wasn't one of those times I could just fix it myself so I did have to take it to a service department. Thankfully there was a nice service guy who showed me a temporary fix to the problem. Yes, I said temporary fix, but getting it fixed permanent isn't critical and this is not something that will be touched often so I'm ok with putting this repair off for awhile.

After I dealt with the car issue, I spent sometime raiding the Dollar Store for some items I needed for a costume I'm putting together for Purim. Of course in the process of hunting for these things I found a few household items I needed as well. I have to say, the Dollar Store rocks.

Wednesday's excitement focused around my coworker's farm and completing the first of the two Britney socks.

Yes, you heard me right, one of my coworkers has a farm. I was heating up some soup when I over heard them mention it. They also mentioned that they wanted to get some sheep. SHEEP!? I have to admit my interest increased greatly at that point. I asked them if they would sell roving if they got sheep and explained my love of knitting and wool. We'd later have another conversation about yarn, wool, spinning and knitting.

Then came the completion of the first Britney sock. These socks have been a challenge for me and to finally complete the first felt like a major accomplishment. I was so giddy I slipped it on my foot immediately after the toe was grafted. Oh my, it was super comfy! Now I know why everyone loves Lorna's Laces yarn so much.

I promptly wound the yarn for the second one and started knitting away. Some of my knitting peeps started to take bets on how many times I would have to frog this one. (I am happy to report that no frogging will be taking place on the second Britney sock and that after a day and a half I am almost done - the fastest I've ever knit one sock.)

Yesterday, the sun came out and the temperatures rose greatly (58/60 degrees to be exact). The light at the end of the winter tunnel is starting to shine. Though I do anticipate at least one more snow fall, it's nice to know Spring is close. Winter is definitely not for me. However, I'm happy to say I didn't complain much at all this winter about the cold temps and crappy snowfall. Even despite some of those around me who had no problem doing so. It was nice to know I could make the best of the bad weather and just get through it.

Another thing that brightened up my Thursday was when one of my knitting peeps sent me an e-mail that they had come across a glass frog candle holder that they thought I might want. Wow! That's really thoughtful! I thanked them profusely and we agreed on when they'd give it to me.

Now we are up to today. . . Friday. I have a really busy weekend ahead of me. Sadly this doesn't include packing. I'm going to have to get going on that no matter where I move too. Good thing I've been starting to "house mouse." It's that much less I have to go through I guess - though there is still plenty.

My Winter Doldrum's swap package has gone out and I'm hoping it gets to the spoliee by Monday, but I don't know if that is going to happen. The mail still doesn't seem to be my friend. It's all good I guess. As I found with BFF's package, if it's meant to get there it will get there.

Hopefully sometime this weekend I'll have pictures to share of my finished Britney socks (I intend for them to be done before tomorrow morning's yoga class). Also, I need to post my Project 365 pictures I've been taking all week as well.

Until later. . .


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a busy week :)

Melissa said...

i love the dollar store too. i saw "dirty dancing" lip gloss at ours. lol! i thought of you when i saw it.

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