

Spring Has Sprung

Well, at least officially it has! Today is the official first day of spring - WOOHOO!

My hope is that this means no more snow storms. Or at least you would think that is the case. However, I do recall back April of 2007 there was one last bad snow storm before Spring officially sprung. I know because I, along with a coworker of mine, got to make a trip back from Milwaukee while the snow was coming down. Since that experience I am hesitant to believe we have left the winter behind completely until about mid-April. At that point I think it is safe to assume the next time we see snow again it will be winter. Then again, with global warming who really knows.

With spring here I'm starting to anticipate getting to wear all the cute sun dresses I have. (Yes this is the "girly" side of me coming out.) As much as I love wearing sun dresses I unfortunately can't wear them to work - at least not as is. Aside from the fact that they are either strapless or have thin straps, most of this garments are somewhat low cut which is definitely not work appropriate. With that in mind I've decided I am going to have to put sock knitting aside for a bit and knit my first sweater - or at least a crop sweater, shrug like creation to go over said cute dresses to make it work appropriate. Once I have tweaked the prototype sock, made proper adjustments, completed a full pair AND written all this up I will then begin my journey into the world of sweater knitting which I am sure to chronicle on this blog.

I'm also looking into sewing lesson. This has mainly been driven by my need of project bags. Project bags make knitting more manageable, but I refuse to pay $20+ for a small bag that with a few lessons I could make myself. Also, I need to get over my fear of sewing machines. I have not touched one since I was in 6th grade. I had an unfortunate accident with one in my Home Economics class and haven't touched one since. I believe the time has come to tackle this unnecessary fear of mine.

Because I have to write about this before I forget. . . I heard a great new song last night. It's not released yet though. It's by a new artist called Trixie Fender. The title of the song "I'm Loving Me." I will definitely be keeping an eye for the release date on this song. You should too!

No real news on the moving and packing front. I suspect this will consume a lot of my time this weekend as time is ticking away.

Last September/early October I wrote about Yom Kippur, the concept of asking someone for forgiveness and if forgiveness is something you should really give to someone. Though I haven't been thinking about this as much since then I still need too. I know I have decided that forgiveness is something you give to someone - not something you should ask of someone. I've also decided that the most important person you could give forgiveness too is yourself for the mistakes you've made. However, I haven't given 100% forgiveness to the two people I really need too. Once I do finally forgive I don't know that I'll get to tell one of them that I have. I guess time will tell. All that said, I know I'm on the right path because my answer to the one question most asked of me last year has changed. This question, has to do with the two people I am working on forgiving. Changing my answer is something I never thought would happen. I'm hopeful that one day I'll be able to share all of this in my blog because the journey has been an interesting one and one that I think others can learn from. In the meantime, this is all I can give.

I know! This is all really deep for this early in the morning, but that's what has been on my mind. Honestly, I can get A LOT more deep, but I won't; at least not right now.

Because I'd rather leave this post on fun note. . ..

This is actually kind of cool and funny, but I have to say these people have WAY too much time on their hands.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i remember the snow in april 2007. i was moving out of state that day. it also majorly snowed in april 1997, when i was still in college.

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