

Blowing Off Steam

The objective of the evening was to go out and blow off some steam. So it felt appropriate to end the evening's events participating in an ad hock version of bungee jumping. No, I was not lifted up to ung-dly heights, harnessed to a bungee cord, and then dropped only to be jolted back into the air. Instead, I was harnessed to two bungee cords on both sides of me and then propelled into the air each time I jumped on the trampoline like surface below me. Kittibean took video and pictures of this happening and I can't wait to see them. I'm sure they are both worthy of Facebook presence. Afterwards, Kittibean informed me that I looked so happy and that it seemed as though I was having a lot of fun. KB was right, I was having a BLAST! However, I didn't realize how much this activity took out of me physically. Saturday morning I woke up to every muscle in my body aching. I took it all in stride as I knew why I was feeling that way.

Since I wasn't up to much Saturday, I felt it was a perfect time to try to make some progress on my Sock Yarn Blankie as my Banana Hannah socks are finished. I had learned the trick to joining all the squares without having to sew them together the other night. This made me even more excited about the project. There was one small problem keeping me from working on it that day - I wasn't sure where I put it. So, I started making individual squares. (Because this alone brings me so much enjoyment.) It wouldn't be until Sunday evening that I would find my existing Sock Blankie squares that had been knitted together. After my discovery, I promptly began to add my new squares to them. Now, I have seven squares knit together - only 709 squares (or so) more squares to go! WOOHOO! I'm definitely going to need some help and I don't know that participating in swaps until I get 709 squares is the complete solution to this puzzle. I have gotten yarn from some of my knitting peeps, but I think I may need to cruise the web to see what my purchasing options are as well.

On Sunday I took advantage of another yarn haul opportunity (you can never pass up those). In the process I ended up with a few free piece of art work for the new place as well. Double score!

Speaking of the move, I am very proud of my ability to get settled within the time frame I had set forth for myself. I think this was the fastest I've ever had a place come together. Now I just have a few odds and ends to do - like hanging art work and other decor items. A friend of mine found me a mirror that was just the perfect price too. Yay!

Well, that's all for now.

Until later. . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

very cool about the bungee experience. i'm glad you had fun!

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