

It Smells Like Rain

When I stepped outside this morning it smelled like rain. I can't explain what exactly rain smells like so I won't even try to describe it, but it just smelled like rain. There is rain forecasted, but I'm hopeful that it won't actually rain. It's been nice having the past few days rain free. Then again, it's been nice having a real Spring this year verses jumping straight into Summer. I will say this, if it does rain I will be prepared this time. : )

My sock yarn blankie is coming along quiet nicely. Until I get this thing finished (which I anticipate will be awhile), I've decided to make Tuesdays my Sock Yarn Blankie update day.

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for June 16, 2009:

Squares Needed: 716

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 12

Squares Ready to be Added: 4

Remaining Squares Needed: 700

This project has become such a focus of mine that I look at all the sock yarn I have in my stash and debate if I should just cut off the yarn I need now and knit the squares or wait until I actually knit the socks. In theory, waiting until I actually knit the socks could be a good motivating force to get more sock knitting done.

Though I'm definitely going to have to buy some mini-skeins and mill ends specifically for this project, incorporating yarn from actual projects I've made is kind of cool. It's like a historical record of my socking making progress. My hope is that I can keep all my actual projects in one specific area of the blanket verses having them all through the blanket. . . Well, maybe not. . . Hmmm. . . . I don't know now. Both approaches can be cool in their own way.

The blankie is not all I've been up to lately with my yarn. Out of the blue I decided to learn how to crochet. I've been wanting to do this for months now, but haven't taken the time to do so. I think I have at least three people who told me they'd teach me how. However, I learned on my own. Well, not completely on my own. I did watch a video on YouTube several times to get the hang of what I was doing. Learning from books is just not my thing. As much as I enjoy crocheting I don't know how much I will do. Aside from the fact that crocheting uses more yarn than knitting, it's also worse for your wrist. Yeah, I don't need to deal with more wrist problems. I'd had my fare share of those and am more than happy to avoid having anymore.

That's all - for now at least.

Until later . . .

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