

SPF 1,000,000 Should Do

As I mentioned in my Friday post, I was very happy to see the week come to an end. Mainly because the ladder half of the week I had developed a nasty cold that left me very congested and struggling to even consume liquids. Yes, I've been on a cold diet lately.

By Saturday, I was feeling better, but not 100%. This cold didn't stop me doing things and going places however I wasn't doing and going as much as I would have liked too. That said, I did venture out to the pool this weekend. Beforehand, I made a stop at my local CVS to pick up a much needed bottle of sunscreen. Being in discomfort from a cold was bad enough - the sting of a nasty sunburn would just exacerbate things.

Picking out sunscreen is up there on my list with picking out tooth paste, tooth brushes, hair dryers . . . well, you get the idea. It seems items like these don't vary too greatly in what they do, but their prices seem to be all over the board. Sadly, it's these types of items I typically find myself spending too much time on trying figuring out which one I really need and if the cost justifies what I'm getting. This time while making a decision I found myself thinking back to my high school Chem class. One of the experiments we had conducted during the semester was to evaluate the effectiveness of different SPF levels in sunscreen. At the end of the day we concluded that after SPF 30 it was pretty much pointless. Yes, I was factoring in a Chemistry experiment I had done many years back into a purchase that should have taken me no more then a minute or two to make.

What level SPF did I end up with? SPF 50 of course! Not because I believe that SPF 50 is THAT much better than SPF 30. The bottle of SPF 50 was the same price as the SPF 30, but double the amount. More bang for my buck!

Until later. . .

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