


Where has the time gone?

It's almost been a year since my first blog post. You know, I never did attempt fingerless gloves again after I gave up on them last July. I've thought about making them and totally planned to do it. However, sock knitting has seemed to get in the way.

Back then, "froggie knits like crazy" was something like "Knit One, Purl Two." There was something about that blog title that just didn't sit right with me. I think my real commitment to the the blog title fklc came when I registered the domain. Like it or not that was the title of my blog.

All rambling aside, it's almost been a year since I started this blog and I'm considering how I'm going to mark the occasion. Maybe a contest of some sort? I know I love a giveaway - especially went knitting items are involved. I'll have to think about this over the next week or so.

As for time in general - there isn't enough of it! This time last year, everyone kept telling me a year is nothing and it goes by quickly. I think my response to those comments went something like, "Yeah, whatever." (Ok, in retrospect I'm not proud of my response, but that is how I addressed it so I'll own it.) There are days/weeks when I'm trying to cram too much in. There are days/weeks that there isn't enough going on. I have to remember to embrace both these times because when I am experiencing one I wish for the other or I think to myself that I should have appreciated when I was going through the polar opposite. Maybe that's a sign just to embrace life as it is and just go with it.

All right, this is getting WAY too deep for today. On to other things. . . such as the fact that I finished my first January sock. WooHoo! The second one has been started as well. The sock is BEAUTIFUL. Makes me wish I hadn't waited so long to finish it. I took a ton of pictures of it last night. I can't wait to post them! That is, when I get the time to download them. :)

Until later . . .

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