

It's Growing By Leaps And Bounds

I didn't realize how much the SYB really grew over the past week until I went to put together the stats for this post. There has been some serious progression. I think it has something to do with the fact that I finished the January socks and haven't started anything else as of current.

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for June 30, 2009:

Squares Needed: 716

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 25

Squares Ready to be Added: 0

Remaining Squares Needed: 691

I made a decision the other day about this blankie. I've decided to lay down a gauntlet once again. I'm placing a deadline on this project. I'm officially setting a project due date to be my 35th birthday which takes place in 2010. Should be interesting to see if I can do it! (See the countdown widget on the left hand side of this blog to see how much time I have left.)

Until later . . .

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