

Decision Number One

A few weeks back I posted that I made three big decisions in my life. At the time I wasn't up to mentioning what those decisions were because I wanted to see if I could actually do what I had set out too and what effect it would have on my life.

Now that sometime has passed, I'm starting to feel more comfortable with talking about my decisions.

Decision #1:

Eliminate negativity and "evil" (aka as bad habits and people that bring negativity into my life) from my life to the extent that I can at any given time. A lofty task - let me tell you.

There are/were a few ground rules:
  • Minimal complaining allowed as I find complaining just increases my negativity.
  • Understand that there will most likely be a few times I will slip and be ok with that fact.
  • Try to find the good even when it all looks like bad.

It hasn't been easy. Especially when you encounter those negative people and they are people you care about greatly. However, I believe I have gotten to a place that I can say I've begun to really take control of this decision. It's a strange feeling. But a feeling I could get use too.

Until later . . .

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