

Free For All Fridays

Another week is coming to an end and today is just about rambling, rambling and more rambling because my mind is all over the place today. . .

"The Real Housewives"

Bravo's "The Real Housewives" is heading to Chitown. I found this out when some one in a Rav group I'm part of posted that one of her friends was interviewed for the show. This particular individual's friend has apparently been cast for the show and they are now on the hunt for "housewives" to join her. We are in the process of encouraging our fellow Raveler to try out. How many chances do you get an opportunity like this?

Apparently it rained last night. . . Or, rain it was expected to rain. All I know is that I logged into my e-mail this morning and had 5 messages since 3AM from the Emergency E-mail Network notifying me of flood advisories. The last of these e-mails was to advise me that the flood warnings had expired.

So, I basically slept through potential flooding. . . and, so did you!


My undergraduate degree is in Advertising and Public Relations. In my very first advertising class the instructor talked to us about how one comes up with the concepts for their advertising campaigns. Or, as she put it - "The Big Idea." According to our instructor part of that process involves eating chocolate. Apparently, studies have found that chocolate stimulates creativity. (I think this study was conducted by a group of her colleagues as a way to justify their consumption of chocolate.)

As she passed chocolate out to the class, the instructor started to discuss who our client was and what their business objective was.

The Client: The Fort Worth Zoo

The Business Objective: To attract more corporate event business.

My "Big Idea": "Let Your Company Be Our Company."

It was a play on the word "company." I still have all the advertising pieces I developed for that campaign. It seems like ages ago since I did that.

I can't remember how I got that big idea, but I'm guessing the chocolate the instructor passed out that evening wasn't the catalyst for it. These days, all my "big ideas" usually come about while I'm driving. Why I'm not sure, but it has proven to be the case over the past couple of years. I only bring this up because recently I was in the car, again, when I solved a problem that had been nagging at me for awhile. This has actually happened to me a few times in the past week or so. I guess the moral to all this is that I should go driving if I have a problem to solve.


Friday Fill-Ins

I actually discovered these by reading the blog Wife, "Mom", Knitter.

#128 we go!

1. I grew up thinking I had to have a set plan for my life. I'm glad I've changed my mind on that!

2. CNN Money was the last website I was at before coming here.

3. Why don't you compliment someone today? I'm sure it will be appreciated and make their day brighter.

4. Knitting helps me relax.

5. Thanks for checking out my blog. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

6. It's very off-putting when people treat me as if I don't know what I'm doing.

Until later . . .

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